Our immune system Is a whole system. The immune system is made up of thousands of moving parts that all need to work together with balance and harmony, including:
Natural killer (NK) cells, which mobilize when your body detects infectious microbes or cancer cells
Helper T cells, which end instructions to B cells and killer T cells
Killer T cells, which kill off any of your cells that have been infected by an invading pathogen
B cells, which produce targeted antibodies to fight specific invaders (e.g. a common cold antibody,)
Cytokines, which end the signals that activate immune responses and inflammation
5 Signs Your Immune System Needs Support
If your immune system needs support, you want to know it before you catch a dangerous infection or develop a chronic, debilitating condition. Listen to your body. It will let you know-loud and clear-if your immune system needs help. Here are five warning signs that your immune system is struggling to keep you well:
You catch a lot of colds, and they last a long time.
You get multiple or recurrent infections, such as ear infections, sinus infections, or pneumonia during the year.
You feel exhausted most the time.
You're constantly stressed out.
Your injuries, like cuts and bruises, heal too slowly.
Any of these warning signs may indicate that your immune system can't keep up. But with the right support, you can get your immune system back into balance and ready to keep you safe and healthy.
Ways to Balance Immune Function
It's easier to keep your immune system in proper balance than you might think. By taking these simple steps, you'll deliver steady, effective support and nourishment to your immune system-just what it needs to keep you well.
Probiotics. Adding fermented foods rich in probiotics (friendly bacteria) such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi to your diet helps to improve and balance your immune system.
A Botanically Enhanced Mushroom Formula: Medicinal mushrooms act as "trainers" that improve your immune system over time. They optimize immune responses and help them stay balanced, neither underreacting nor overreacting. At the same time, many medicinal mushrooms have powerful antiviral activity, especially against viruses that infect the respiratory system. Medicinal mushrooms including tiger milk, reishi, and cordyceps deliver the best results when used together. They work synergistically, each enhancing the immune balancing effects of the others.
Meditation: Meditation enhances your awareness and your ability to remain clear, calm, and focused in your life, while enriching your health and wellness. Clinical trials show that meditation helps reduce inflammation, improve cellular immunity, and support antibody response to infectious microbes.
Yoga: The ancient practice of yoga combines physical postures, focused breathing techniques, and mindfulness to deliver a variety of health benefits. Studies show that yoga helps reduce inflammation and improve immune function, especially with consistent long-term practice.
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