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Nutri Femme

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Created for women by women

Hormonal Imbalances

when hormones go haywire

Having a bad mood day; feeling irritable and anxious; waking up exhausted after a sleepless night? These could be signs that your hormones out of balance.

Nutrient Deficiency
Food choices play a great role in keeping our hormones balanced

Age, we all age and at a certain age, estrogen begins to decline during perimenopause & menopause

Menstrual Cycle
The ebb & flow of estrogen & progesterone

Chronic Stress
Nutrients needed to produce estrogen & progesterone are diverted to increase cortisol (stress hormone) to help us cope with the stress leading to less estrogen

Why do hormones get out of balance ?

Lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyles impacts our health & hormones


Exhausted by sleepless nights


Feeling hot & flushed for no reason, sometimes overwhelmed by anxiety and fear


Feeling irritable, followed by mood swings


Brain fog, a feeling of fuzziness, lack of clarity, forgetfulness


Heart palpitations, irregular heartbeats


Dry and ageing skin, vaginal dryness


Muscle pain, stiff joints


Poor vaginal health, dryness, itching, burning

In today's world, constantly juggling the demands of career and family adds to chronic stress. Feeling stressed and worried lead to sleepless nights and we wake up to another day feeling anxious. As nutrients are diverted to help us cope with the stress,our bodies become nutrient deficient. When we are stressed, we tend to eat in a rush or even skip meals which further deprive our bodies of the nutrients to stay healthy.


This never ending cycle of being stressed, sleep and nutrient deprived may tip us to the point of feeling low, irritable, tired and listless.


If you have experienced 1 or more of the above symptoms , simply making changes to your diet to suit your nutritional needs will improve your health & well-being.

Foods to avoid


Alcohol can cause depression and feelings of anxiety

Spicy foods overstimulate and cause hot flushes, insomnia

Caffeine and sugar overload cause palpitations and hot flushes, caffeine gives an instant high but make you jumpy and irritable

Refined carbs, fizzy drinks causes skin dryness and ageing


Reduce hot flashes : Soya based products, tofu; soymilk contains phytoestrogens to balance hormones. A recent study from US shows that 54 mg of Soy Isoflavone reduces hot flashes by 50%

Anti ageing :Flaxseeds, nuts, seaberries, avocados rich in Omega 3,6,7 & 9 protect the heart, also act as hormone balancer. NMN abundant in avocados helps the body to produce NAD+ for anti-ageing

Bone Up : Calcium together with Vitamin D & K strengthen bones, reduces muscle aches & pains caused by hormonal imbalance

Mood boosters : B vitamins help to reduce stress, Magnesium found in beans, nuts & dark green leafy vegetables relaxes and helps you to sleep better

Better Sleep : Magnesium, the miracle mineral that reduces stress, promotes relaxation & better sleep

You should eat more

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Take control of your nutrition

eating right…. the key to looking good & feeling good everyday.

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2 scoops daily

Every serving of  Biovita Nutri Femme nourishes you with

  • 50mg of Soy Isoflavone to reduce hot flashes and hormonal heart palpitations

  • Microencapsulated Magnesium to reduce stress so you can sleep better

  • Magnesium to boost your moods so you feel calm & relaxed

  • Avocado ; rich in NMN which converts to NAD+ in our bodies; boosts collagen to keep you looking younger

  • Calcium, Vitamin K & D to give you stronger bones

  • Seaberry oil to keep you hydrated, promote better vaginal health; reduce vaginal dryness , itching and UTIs.


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